Our professional philosophy is built on enhancing the interdependent relationships of environmental protection, integrated and accessible networks of open spaces and trails, context appropriate development, flexible and adaptive use strategies for historic resources and settings, economic revitalization, and multimodal accessibility including pedestrian ways, bike routes, and public transportation. We currently serve as planning and landscape architecture consultants to the six-municipality Phoenixville Regional Planning Committee, to Charlestown, East Pikeland, Uwchlan, Warwick, West Vincent, and West Whiteland Townships in Chester County, and as alternate land planners to Edgmont Township in Delaware County. We also collaborate regularly with French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, Green Valleys Watershed Association, and Natural Lands on environmental, trail, and greenway issues critical to the region, and we are proud supporters of the preservation, education, and outreach work of the Schuylkill River Heritage Center.
Since inception, Theurkauf Design & Planning has provided services to numerous PA municipalities, including ordinance preparation, comprehensive planning, open space planning, trail planning, development plan reviews, ordinance reviews, expert witness testimony, and economic redevelopment planning. We have also coordinated our work with grant agencies, multi-municipal planning organizations, and County Planning Commissions in both Chester and Pike Counties in PA. Our projects have been managed for consistency with the PA Municipalities Planning Code, the Chester County Vision Partnership Program, the Federation of Northern Chester County Communities, and the Phoenixville Regional Planning Committee. In addition, our municipal trail and open space plans have been coordinated with adjacent municipalities, regional conservation groups including the Horse-Shoe Trail Club, French and Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust, and Natural Lands, and with regional open space and trail efforts including the French Creek Trail, the Horse-Shoe Trail, and the Schuylkill River Trail. Theurkauf Design & Planning offers its clients unique strengths in managing the challenges and opportunities afforded by growth and change.
Our professional philosophy is built on enhancing the interdependent relationships of environmental protection, integrated and accessible networks of open spaces and trails, context appropriate development, flexible and adaptive use strategies for historic resources and settings, economic revitalization, and multimodal accessibility including pedestrian ways, bike routes, and public transportation.
Theurkauf Design & Planning
1350 Elbow Lane
Chester Springs, PA 19425